Animation sequences for the film Verbo (2011)
Animation Sequence Director: Carlos Salgado
Postproduction Co: User T38
Supervisor: David Heras
Producer: Charly Puchol
Designer/Background Artist: Carlos Salgado
2D Animation: Alberto Sánchez, Rubén Fernández, Raúl Echegaray
Graphic Designers: Alex Serna, Natalia Montes
Compositing: Elisa Mar Ferre & Jorge Oliva
ES Ilustracion inspirada en Umami, cómic de Ken Niimura que podéis leer en Panel Syndicate ENG Illustration inspired by Umami, a comic by Ken Niimura,…
ROCCOCOP / 2015 / Personal Work
WAYBACK Written, directed and produced by Carlos Salgado. An USER T38 Production with the support of Monocromo, Meh & Lamae and the collaboration of Comunidad…
INTERVENTION / 2016 / Personal work